KSUKI Internal Information Channel registered trademark of EDICIONES BABYLON publishing line of ONTINET.COM S.L.U and Internal Information System Policy

The Ethics Channel, as ONTINET.COM SLU's internal information channel, is the preferred channel for reporting possible infringements committed in a work or professional context, in accordance with the provisions of Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption.

The aforementioned Channel is integrated into the Internal Information System ("IIS") of ONTINET.COM SLU, which is managed in accordance with the general principles set out in our IIS Policy, which you can consult here.

Communications to the Internal Channel of ONTINET.COM SLU

Communications may be made in any of the following ways:

  1. Using the attached form
  2. Sending a written communication to the attention of the person responsible for the ONTINET.COM S.LU. Internal Information System, to the following postal address ONTINET.COM S.L.U., Martínez Valls Street, 56 ground floor, Ontinyent, Postcode 46870 (Valencia).
  3. At the request of the informant, made by any of the identified channels, the communication may also be submitted by requesting a face-to-face meeting with the Head of the Internal Information System.

Communications received in the ONTINET.COM SLU Internal Information Channel will be processed in such a way as to guarantee the confidentiality of the informant. Communications may be made anonymously.

Check communication status

Enter the details of your communication
The personal data collected in this form will be processed by ONTINET.COM SLU in accordance with current legislation on data protection, for the sole purpose of investigating, processing and, where appropriate, resolving the potential breach communicated through the Ethical Channel. Your data will not be communicated to third parties. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition and limitation of processing before the data controller. Please remember that before accepting, you should read the additional information on date protection.